Easy Play Dough

Colored Pasta Fun

Take pasta of your choice and soak in a few drops of food coloring. Lay pasta on a piece of foil to dry. Glue onto colored paper and frame!
Hand Sun

Display your toddler's hands by making an adorable sun!
Take a paper plate, color or paint it yellow. Take 10 or more cut outs of your little one's hands and glue them to the back of the plate... Cut out a few eyeballs and draw a smile and you are ready to hang in your child's room!
Family Hand

What a perfect Father's Day or birthday present for dad! This is a treasure dad will cherish for a lifetime. Trace and cut out dad's, mom's and child/children's hands and glue them together. Paste the hands on a piece of construction paper and frame! You can also add a quote, names, dates, etc.
Classic Craft Ideas

Classic Cold Weather Crafts Make a Paper Boat Kids have been making this classic boat for more than a century. It really floats, but to make it last longer than the Titanic, waterproof the bottom with a layer of clear tape. read more
Tooth Wisdom I asked several children what they think the Tooth Fairy does with their teeth once they're retrieved from under the pillow. Here's how I imagine the Tooth Fairy does it. read more
Silhouette Display At a recent town fair, I had one of those life-comes-full-circle moments: Amid the apple pies and cotton candy, my daughters and I watched an artist expertly cutting silhouettes. So I created my own silhouette technique that will, I hope, stand the read more
Paper Doll Centerpiece It's difficult to find an art project doable for small children that won't leave older kids twirling their iPod cords in boredom. These Thanksgiving centerpieces will keep them all occupied, so you can peel those last few pounds of potatoes. read more
Memory Box For some of us, keepsakes have to be easy or no keeping happens. My method requires 1) a pen, 2) paper, 3) a box. I simply scribble notes (see ideas below) and drop them, dated, in the box. read more
Homemade Chalk Inspire creativity in your kids outdoors! Homemade chalk makes for a fun activity both inside the house and out. read more
Cardboard Tube Telescope With this fun telescope kids can pretend to be exploring the open seas and foreign lands like adventurers like Christopher Columbus. read more
Hatching Dinosaur Egg Kids can go back in time by making their own baby dinosaur with an empty egg shell and some pom-poms! read more
Moveable Paper Dinosaur This little paper dinosaur is a friendly blast from the prehistoric past. Kids will love making this cute dino with moveable legs, tail, and neck. read more
Jingle Tube Does your child enjoy making music? They'll love this homemade instrument made from a paper towel roll, construction paper, and jingle bells. read more
Finger Cymbals Don't throw away those juice can lids! Kids can make fun musical finger cymbals! Visit all of our classic craft options for kids. read more
Felt Flower This pretty flower is made from nothing more than felt and glue. Kids can make one or a bunch to create their own felt garden today! read more
Princess Mirror Little girls can make their very own double-sided mirror fit for a princess! Encrusted with craft jewels, this lovely mirror makes a great addition to anyone's royal collection. read more
Craft Foam Tiara Your little princess will love making her very own tiara. Covered in jewels, this headwear is reserved for royalty! read more
Tropical Fish Pinata When your kids are finished making this pretty little fish, they may not have the heart to demolish their handiwork! Never fear. Just pour the candy and treats from her mouth. read more
Colored Pencil Can This colored pencil can is pretty and functional! What makes this holder special is that the pencils can be removed, used, and then pressed back onto the outside of the can! read more
Margarine Tub Boat This fun recycling craft makes an adorable decoration for a child's room or even a nursery. Check out all of our classic kids' crafts. read more
Coffee Filter Poppy Flower Poppy flowers are bright red with a dark center, making for a beautiful contrast that makes for a lovely project! Poppies are also associated with holidays like Remembrance Day, so they are a wonderful way to honor those special days. read more
Clothespin Animal Magnets These adorable little animals are so easy to make and they look cute as a button while holding your child's artwork or notes! read more
Cardboard Tube Giraffe This little cardboard tube giraffe makes a great room decoration but also doubles as a finger puppet. Make several and host your own puppet show! read more
Coffee Filter Butterfly Looking for an easy craft to make with your kids? Try our coffee filter butterfly. They're easy to make, colorful and lots of fun. read more
Cardboard Tube Wall Flowers These adorably hip flowers are made from cardboard tubes! They are a fun and chic way for kids to dress up their walls, and recycle at the same time. read more
Frog Hat Everyone will be green with envy after getting a peak at this super cute frog hat. Whether your child makes this for one of your dolls or stuffed animals, or enlarges the pattern large enough for them to wear, it'll be a hit. read more
Paper Plate Panda Isn't this perfect little paper plate panda just the cutest? Kids can make their own loveable black and white bear with some construction paper, paper plates, and crayons! read more
Ladybug Rocks Your kids can make these adorable Earth Day ladybug rocks crafts as shelf decorations, or make a large one as to be used on Mom’s desk as a paperweight for Earth Day read more
Personalized Salt Dough Canoe This fun craft can be made into a magnet or a pin. It also makes a great addition to a wooden picture frame--just glue it in place! read more
Water Bottle Holder Using patterned felt and old t-shirts you can make your own water bottle holder. It's a great summer craft project for the kids! read more
Tissue Paper Party Pom-Poms If you are looking for a fun and unique way to decorate for your next party, or what to jazz up your Fourth of July spread, try these tissue paper pom poms on for size! read more
Treasure Hunt Map Create a fun game by drawing out a map of your campsite or backyard. Have someone hide several "treasures" around the location, then go out and collect them! read more
Coffee Can Drum Explore classic crafts with the kids! This coffee can drum is a great musical craft to make at camp or as a recycling project. read more
Fingerprint Busy Bees Enjoy classic crafts with your kids! These Fingerprint Busy Bees are sure to keep your kids entertained at camp, or as a summer craft. read more
Juice Box Dolls Explore all sorts of classic crafts with your kids! This summer, create beautiful Juice Box Dolls and teach your kids about recycling all in one. read more
Pet Rocks Get into classic crafts with your kdis! Nothing is more classic than the fun summer craft - Pet Rocks! A great camp craft to enjoy as well. read more
Sandwich Box Monster Try out some classic crafts with the kids! This summer, why not get into recycling and create a Sandwich Box Monster as a back-to-school craft? read more
Spray Painted Flower Power Shirt Kids can make their own t-shirts to show off to their friends this summer. Show off some flower power with this fun spray-painted craft. read more
Diamond Braid Lanyard Keychain The braiding technique of this classic camp craft lends itself nicely to creating key chains, bracelets, or just for passing the time. Combine different colors for a variety of looks. read more
Colorful Macaroni Can Get the kids into classic crafts. This Colorful Macaroni Can makes for a fun classroom activity! read more
Springy Worms Recycled strips torn from computer paper become wiggly Springy Worms with this super-easy kids craft. read more
Craft Stick Door Hanger Explore classic craft ideas with your kids! This Craft Stick Door Hanger makes for a fun activity for a scout pack. read more
Decoupage Collage Box Get into classic crafts with your kids! This decorative Decoupage Box can be used fora variety of things, including your kids' special collectibles! read more
Sand-Filled Bottles Take a bit of the beach home with you by crafting these cool sand-filled bottles. Kids will have fun making these at the beach or cottage and they make a great summer souvenir to take home. read more
Tie Dyeing Get psychedelic with a crafting classic - tie dyeing. The colorful 'sunburst' patterns kids can create are never out of style. This simplified version doesn't even require a washing machine! read more
Yarn Octopus This yarn octopus is a great idea for a rainy day activity or for a troupe of Cub Scouts. Kids will be delighted with their new friend made out of yarn! read more
Easy Braided Friendship Bracelet Use embroidery floss to make these easy braided friendship bracelets. Kids will love this easy and fun bracelet craft whether they are at home or at camp. read more
Coffee Can Painting (AKA marble painting) Keep those old coffee cans, dig out some marbles or golf balls and discover abstract art with this simple, fun craft that's great for young kids. read more
Handprint Wreath This simple handprint wreath craft uses mainly paint, paper and your child's imagination. read more
Easy Homemade Soap Making Want a kids craft that's fun and easy to make? Try making soap. It's an inexpensive way to spend a few hours, and the finished product is a perfect gift for your mom, grandma or favorite aunt. read more
Origami Bunny Keep kids hopping with this Origami bunny - that actually hops! It's a quick and easy craft for Easter and doubles as a fun variation on traditional origami. read more
Homemade Ice Cream in a Bag Cool off with this tasty summer craft for kids! In five minutes your children can whip up a quick batch of homemade ice cream in a bag. read more
Bookmark Craft Save cherished masterpieces and encourage kids to read with this Bookmark Craft, which makes a terrific project for groups. read more
Bubble Print Paper Design your own special multipurpose Bubble Print Paper using colorful paint and soap bubbles with this kid-safe craft. read more
Sand Casting Dig through a whole range of fun shapes and your kids will enjoy the results of their sand casting work-of-art. read more
Children's Craft Box Make it easy for your kids to be creative with this Craft Box for children. read more
Rainbow Scenes Sometimes kids can be their most imaginative with just the simplest of supplies -- like the paper and paint needed to craft these rainbow scenes. Makes a great activity for St. Patrick's Day. read more
Color Wheel Teach your kids all about primary and secondary colors with this fun cellophane paper art color wheel craft. Turn it into a peacock with one simple step. read more
Dough Handprints Create a classic keepsake of a child's handprint with this easy Dough Handprint craft. read more
Decoupage plate Satisfy the urge to snack and to craft all at once with a decoupage plate--makes a perfect cookie tray for special occasions. read more
Edible Finger Paint Finished painting? Lick off your fingers with this Edible Finger Paint. This corn syrup craft for kids is a tasty alternative to regular paint--snack and crafts all-in-one! read more
God's Eye A craft from the Huichol tribe of Mexico, kids can easily create many of these colorful God's Eyes with popsicle sticks and yarn. read more
Marble Papers Transform ordinary white paper into attractive Marble Paper with marbling ink and water. Kids are sure to love the results of this magical craft. read more
Orange Spice Potpourri Breathe easy with this pleasantly scented orange spice potpourri craft. It's an economical way to create many small Christmas gifts that let people know you're thinking of them. (i.e. mail carrier, hairdresser) read more
Pressed Flowers You can use pressed flowers in many different crafts. This particular technique is a good one to get kids involved in since it uses household appliances and objects in unusual ways. read more
Wool Octopus Craft a deep sea creature any kid would be happy to meet with this wool octopus. This is simple craft that uses the odds 'n' ends of wool often found in any crafter's house. read more
Easy Booklet Binding Every crafter should know this technique. read more
Pasta Box Picture Frame Brighten your refrigerator with this great Pasta Box Picture Frame. The plastic protects the photo and your kids create the rest. read more
Weather Wind Sock Wind socks, also know as wind sleeves or wind cones, help us see in what direction the wind is blowing. Real wind socks are often used by meteorologists to help predict weather. read more
Key Wind Chime Gather those old keys collecting dust on bookshelves and in dresser drawers and help your child create his very own wind chime. Discover a whole range of classic crafts. read more
Colorful Suncatchers These colorful window hangings are sure to brighten any room, and by changing the colors used in the craft you can enjoy these suncatchers during any season. read more
Paper Plate Tambourine Children can shake this tambourine or tap it against their hips. As an easy variation, you can put a few dried beans between two plates and staple it together. read more
Stained-Glass Kite Decoration Making art with your child is always a wonderful way to bond, and this project is no exception. After you've completed your kite, hang it in a sunny window and watch the colors light up your room. read more
Sock Puppets Looking for some fun projects for kids of all ages? Try these easy puppets! We've got a whole range of classic crafts for kids to explore. read more
Shining Star Prints Create a whole sky of glittering stars! This easy craft is for perfect for younger kids. We've got a whole range of classic crafts for kids to explore. read more
Homemade Kazoo Looking for a quick and fun musical instrument craft? Try this easy kazoo. Discover a whole range of classic crafts for kids right here. read more
Shaving Cream Paint This is a great, clean painting activity that provides a tactile experience for little ones. It's also easy to clean up and doesn't leave anything to keep in the end. read more
Finger Paints Here's a recipe for making your own batch of colorful finger paints. This paint recipe is easy to create and makes for a fun afternoon activity. read more
Homemade Book Here's a fun and easy picture book you can make with your child. You can change these pictures often for variety, and the pages are easy to clean with a damp cloth or sponge. read more
A Nighttime Surprise (Crayon Resist Art) What a surprise—the night sky is revealed complete with twinkling stars with this fun craft. read more
Family Photo Puppets Turn your family snapshots into puppets! Create a whole range of fun toys and games with your kids from a selection of great crafts. read more
Night Sky "Star" Globe Here's a homemade toy that will bottle up the night sky for kids to enjoy any time of day. As your child shakes the "star" globe, he can watch the stars twinkle as they fall. read more
Bird Tin Can Caddy Make a place for that special someone's pencils, pens, and notes—this caddy is a great addition to anyone's desk! read more
Yogurt Cup Circle Painting Young or old, children will enjoy making circle print collages with yogurt cups and get the chance to recycle as well! read more
Tooth Wisdom I asked several children what they think the Tooth Fairy does with their teeth once they're retrieved from under the pillow. Here's how I imagine the Tooth Fairy does it. read more
Silhouette Display At a recent town fair, I had one of those life-comes-full-circle moments: Amid the apple pies and cotton candy, my daughters and I watched an artist expertly cutting silhouettes. So I created my own silhouette technique that will, I hope, stand the read more
Paper Doll Centerpiece It's difficult to find an art project doable for small children that won't leave older kids twirling their iPod cords in boredom. These Thanksgiving centerpieces will keep them all occupied, so you can peel those last few pounds of potatoes. read more
Memory Box For some of us, keepsakes have to be easy or no keeping happens. My method requires 1) a pen, 2) paper, 3) a box. I simply scribble notes (see ideas below) and drop them, dated, in the box. read more
Homemade Chalk Inspire creativity in your kids outdoors! Homemade chalk makes for a fun activity both inside the house and out. read more
Cardboard Tube Telescope With this fun telescope kids can pretend to be exploring the open seas and foreign lands like adventurers like Christopher Columbus. read more
Hatching Dinosaur Egg Kids can go back in time by making their own baby dinosaur with an empty egg shell and some pom-poms! read more
Moveable Paper Dinosaur This little paper dinosaur is a friendly blast from the prehistoric past. Kids will love making this cute dino with moveable legs, tail, and neck. read more
Jingle Tube Does your child enjoy making music? They'll love this homemade instrument made from a paper towel roll, construction paper, and jingle bells. read more
Finger Cymbals Don't throw away those juice can lids! Kids can make fun musical finger cymbals! Visit all of our classic craft options for kids. read more
Felt Flower This pretty flower is made from nothing more than felt and glue. Kids can make one or a bunch to create their own felt garden today! read more
Princess Mirror Little girls can make their very own double-sided mirror fit for a princess! Encrusted with craft jewels, this lovely mirror makes a great addition to anyone's royal collection. read more
Craft Foam Tiara Your little princess will love making her very own tiara. Covered in jewels, this headwear is reserved for royalty! read more
Tropical Fish Pinata When your kids are finished making this pretty little fish, they may not have the heart to demolish their handiwork! Never fear. Just pour the candy and treats from her mouth. read more
Colored Pencil Can This colored pencil can is pretty and functional! What makes this holder special is that the pencils can be removed, used, and then pressed back onto the outside of the can! read more
Margarine Tub Boat This fun recycling craft makes an adorable decoration for a child's room or even a nursery. Check out all of our classic kids' crafts. read more
Coffee Filter Poppy Flower Poppy flowers are bright red with a dark center, making for a beautiful contrast that makes for a lovely project! Poppies are also associated with holidays like Remembrance Day, so they are a wonderful way to honor those special days. read more
Clothespin Animal Magnets These adorable little animals are so easy to make and they look cute as a button while holding your child's artwork or notes! read more
Cardboard Tube Giraffe This little cardboard tube giraffe makes a great room decoration but also doubles as a finger puppet. Make several and host your own puppet show! read more
Coffee Filter Butterfly Looking for an easy craft to make with your kids? Try our coffee filter butterfly. They're easy to make, colorful and lots of fun. read more
Cardboard Tube Wall Flowers These adorably hip flowers are made from cardboard tubes! They are a fun and chic way for kids to dress up their walls, and recycle at the same time. read more
Frog Hat Everyone will be green with envy after getting a peak at this super cute frog hat. Whether your child makes this for one of your dolls or stuffed animals, or enlarges the pattern large enough for them to wear, it'll be a hit. read more
Paper Plate Panda Isn't this perfect little paper plate panda just the cutest? Kids can make their own loveable black and white bear with some construction paper, paper plates, and crayons! read more
Ladybug Rocks Your kids can make these adorable Earth Day ladybug rocks crafts as shelf decorations, or make a large one as to be used on Mom’s desk as a paperweight for Earth Day read more
Personalized Salt Dough Canoe This fun craft can be made into a magnet or a pin. It also makes a great addition to a wooden picture frame--just glue it in place! read more
Water Bottle Holder Using patterned felt and old t-shirts you can make your own water bottle holder. It's a great summer craft project for the kids! read more
Tissue Paper Party Pom-Poms If you are looking for a fun and unique way to decorate for your next party, or what to jazz up your Fourth of July spread, try these tissue paper pom poms on for size! read more
Treasure Hunt Map Create a fun game by drawing out a map of your campsite or backyard. Have someone hide several "treasures" around the location, then go out and collect them! read more
Coffee Can Drum Explore classic crafts with the kids! This coffee can drum is a great musical craft to make at camp or as a recycling project. read more
Fingerprint Busy Bees Enjoy classic crafts with your kids! These Fingerprint Busy Bees are sure to keep your kids entertained at camp, or as a summer craft. read more
Juice Box Dolls Explore all sorts of classic crafts with your kids! This summer, create beautiful Juice Box Dolls and teach your kids about recycling all in one. read more
Pet Rocks Get into classic crafts with your kdis! Nothing is more classic than the fun summer craft - Pet Rocks! A great camp craft to enjoy as well. read more
Sandwich Box Monster Try out some classic crafts with the kids! This summer, why not get into recycling and create a Sandwich Box Monster as a back-to-school craft? read more
Spray Painted Flower Power Shirt Kids can make their own t-shirts to show off to their friends this summer. Show off some flower power with this fun spray-painted craft. read more
Diamond Braid Lanyard Keychain The braiding technique of this classic camp craft lends itself nicely to creating key chains, bracelets, or just for passing the time. Combine different colors for a variety of looks. read more
Colorful Macaroni Can Get the kids into classic crafts. This Colorful Macaroni Can makes for a fun classroom activity! read more
Springy Worms Recycled strips torn from computer paper become wiggly Springy Worms with this super-easy kids craft. read more
Craft Stick Door Hanger Explore classic craft ideas with your kids! This Craft Stick Door Hanger makes for a fun activity for a scout pack. read more
Decoupage Collage Box Get into classic crafts with your kids! This decorative Decoupage Box can be used fora variety of things, including your kids' special collectibles! read more
Sand-Filled Bottles Take a bit of the beach home with you by crafting these cool sand-filled bottles. Kids will have fun making these at the beach or cottage and they make a great summer souvenir to take home. read more
Tie Dyeing Get psychedelic with a crafting classic - tie dyeing. The colorful 'sunburst' patterns kids can create are never out of style. This simplified version doesn't even require a washing machine! read more
Yarn Octopus This yarn octopus is a great idea for a rainy day activity or for a troupe of Cub Scouts. Kids will be delighted with their new friend made out of yarn! read more
Easy Braided Friendship Bracelet Use embroidery floss to make these easy braided friendship bracelets. Kids will love this easy and fun bracelet craft whether they are at home or at camp. read more
Coffee Can Painting (AKA marble painting) Keep those old coffee cans, dig out some marbles or golf balls and discover abstract art with this simple, fun craft that's great for young kids. read more
Handprint Wreath This simple handprint wreath craft uses mainly paint, paper and your child's imagination. read more
Easy Homemade Soap Making Want a kids craft that's fun and easy to make? Try making soap. It's an inexpensive way to spend a few hours, and the finished product is a perfect gift for your mom, grandma or favorite aunt. read more
Origami Bunny Keep kids hopping with this Origami bunny - that actually hops! It's a quick and easy craft for Easter and doubles as a fun variation on traditional origami. read more
Homemade Ice Cream in a Bag Cool off with this tasty summer craft for kids! In five minutes your children can whip up a quick batch of homemade ice cream in a bag. read more
Bookmark Craft Save cherished masterpieces and encourage kids to read with this Bookmark Craft, which makes a terrific project for groups. read more
Bubble Print Paper Design your own special multipurpose Bubble Print Paper using colorful paint and soap bubbles with this kid-safe craft. read more
Sand Casting Dig through a whole range of fun shapes and your kids will enjoy the results of their sand casting work-of-art. read more
Children's Craft Box Make it easy for your kids to be creative with this Craft Box for children. read more
Rainbow Scenes Sometimes kids can be their most imaginative with just the simplest of supplies -- like the paper and paint needed to craft these rainbow scenes. Makes a great activity for St. Patrick's Day. read more
Color Wheel Teach your kids all about primary and secondary colors with this fun cellophane paper art color wheel craft. Turn it into a peacock with one simple step. read more
Dough Handprints Create a classic keepsake of a child's handprint with this easy Dough Handprint craft. read more
Decoupage plate Satisfy the urge to snack and to craft all at once with a decoupage plate--makes a perfect cookie tray for special occasions. read more
Edible Finger Paint Finished painting? Lick off your fingers with this Edible Finger Paint. This corn syrup craft for kids is a tasty alternative to regular paint--snack and crafts all-in-one! read more
God's Eye A craft from the Huichol tribe of Mexico, kids can easily create many of these colorful God's Eyes with popsicle sticks and yarn. read more
Marble Papers Transform ordinary white paper into attractive Marble Paper with marbling ink and water. Kids are sure to love the results of this magical craft. read more
Orange Spice Potpourri Breathe easy with this pleasantly scented orange spice potpourri craft. It's an economical way to create many small Christmas gifts that let people know you're thinking of them. (i.e. mail carrier, hairdresser) read more
Pressed Flowers You can use pressed flowers in many different crafts. This particular technique is a good one to get kids involved in since it uses household appliances and objects in unusual ways. read more
Wool Octopus Craft a deep sea creature any kid would be happy to meet with this wool octopus. This is simple craft that uses the odds 'n' ends of wool often found in any crafter's house. read more
Easy Booklet Binding Every crafter should know this technique. read more
Pasta Box Picture Frame Brighten your refrigerator with this great Pasta Box Picture Frame. The plastic protects the photo and your kids create the rest. read more
Weather Wind Sock Wind socks, also know as wind sleeves or wind cones, help us see in what direction the wind is blowing. Real wind socks are often used by meteorologists to help predict weather. read more
Key Wind Chime Gather those old keys collecting dust on bookshelves and in dresser drawers and help your child create his very own wind chime. Discover a whole range of classic crafts. read more
Colorful Suncatchers These colorful window hangings are sure to brighten any room, and by changing the colors used in the craft you can enjoy these suncatchers during any season. read more
Paper Plate Tambourine Children can shake this tambourine or tap it against their hips. As an easy variation, you can put a few dried beans between two plates and staple it together. read more
Stained-Glass Kite Decoration Making art with your child is always a wonderful way to bond, and this project is no exception. After you've completed your kite, hang it in a sunny window and watch the colors light up your room. read more
Sock Puppets Looking for some fun projects for kids of all ages? Try these easy puppets! We've got a whole range of classic crafts for kids to explore. read more
Shining Star Prints Create a whole sky of glittering stars! This easy craft is for perfect for younger kids. We've got a whole range of classic crafts for kids to explore. read more
Homemade Kazoo Looking for a quick and fun musical instrument craft? Try this easy kazoo. Discover a whole range of classic crafts for kids right here. read more
Shaving Cream Paint This is a great, clean painting activity that provides a tactile experience for little ones. It's also easy to clean up and doesn't leave anything to keep in the end. read more
Finger Paints Here's a recipe for making your own batch of colorful finger paints. This paint recipe is easy to create and makes for a fun afternoon activity. read more
Homemade Book Here's a fun and easy picture book you can make with your child. You can change these pictures often for variety, and the pages are easy to clean with a damp cloth or sponge. read more
A Nighttime Surprise (Crayon Resist Art) What a surprise—the night sky is revealed complete with twinkling stars with this fun craft. read more
Family Photo Puppets Turn your family snapshots into puppets! Create a whole range of fun toys and games with your kids from a selection of great crafts. read more
Night Sky "Star" Globe Here's a homemade toy that will bottle up the night sky for kids to enjoy any time of day. As your child shakes the "star" globe, he can watch the stars twinkle as they fall. read more
Bird Tin Can Caddy Make a place for that special someone's pencils, pens, and notes—this caddy is a great addition to anyone's desk! read more
Yogurt Cup Circle Painting Young or old, children will enjoy making circle print collages with yogurt cups and get the chance to recycle as well! read more