I have a confession! I have NEVER had a gel manicure. I'm cheap and manicures mean making small talk! I would rather stay home in my pajamas and drink "coffee"! Today I am going to give myself my very first gel manicure!
FYI: you can click on the photos to enlarge...
T18 Toner
I really wish I could tell you that I love my natural hair color. I believe (I've been dying it for a while!) that it is a strawberry blonde and I used to get compliments on it all the time. The past five years I have been dying it just about every color I can think of, black, dark brown, red, bright red, and even brighter red. I wanted a light blonde for summer. Not platinum blonde but a pretty blonde with a smidgen of a golden color. Now my hair pulls yellow tones like CrAzY! So I knew if I went blonde I would need to follow up with a toner to cut that yellow shit out! I'm going to try out Wella's Color Charm T18 Toner, Lightest Ash Blonde... Let's see what happens!
If you are looking for a quick, easy, and inexpensive hair treatment, look no further than your own bathroom! All you need is conditioner, a plastic bag (walmart bag), and a towel....
Glorious Green Face Mask
1/2 cup of oatmeal 1 smashed avocado 1/3 cup of honey In a bowl, mix smashed avocado with the honey, then continuously add oatmeal. When all ingredients are mixed well, apply to face and relax for 15-20 minutes. Remove with a splash of cool water. *Oatmeal is an exfoliate and moisturizer. Oatmeal contains 18 essential amino acids, your face can absorb these amino acids, making it an ideal ingredient to help heal blemishes and repair damaged skin. Avocados are packed with Vitamins A and C that gives skin a more youthful appearance and helps fights signs of aging. Regular pureed avocado fruit facials on acne prone skin may help kill acne bacteria to prevent or treat breakouts. Avocados are rich in fatty acids which makes them an ideal moisturizer. I cannot even begin to tell you how amazing avocados are... and I'm NOT going to tell you because you need to hear it from Sandra!!! Sandra Dean with Always Healthy Living has an amazing article on how beneficial avocados are for our skin and goes into amazing detail on these benefits... Girl knows her stuff! Read her full article here. https://alwayshealthyliving.com/homemade-avocado-face-masks-acne-glowing-skin/ Go on! What are you waiting for!? Honey, especially raw honey has many anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. It is also packed with antioxidants. |